Tuesday 4th November
CrossFit 3000 South Melbourne – CrossFit
With a running clock:
0-10: Metcon (Time)
A. For time:
25 x Ground to Overhead @ 60/42.5kg
25 x Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20″
*10 Min Cut Off
Then rest 1 Min
11-20: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
B. AMRepAP in 9 Mins of:
20 x Power Clean @ 60/42.5kg
20 x Alternating Pistols
20 x Cal Row
Then rest 2 Min
22-30: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
C. 8 min AMRepAP of:
Max Reps UB Wall Balls (9/7kg to 10/9′)
Every break = 100 run & 5 K2E (not scored)
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