Thursday 24th July
A. 3-Position Snatch:
Complete 7 x Sets of:
1 x High-Hang Snatch (from the hip),
1 x Hang Snatch (From mid-thigh), and
1 x Snatch (From the ground)
B. ‘Balls’
4 RFT of:
200m Run with Med Ball (9/7kg)
20 x Med Ball Clean (9/7)
20 x Wall ball (9/7kg)
or C. AWOD – 3 RFT of:
14 x Deadlift (82.5/60kg)
7 x MU/14 x C2B Pull-ups
7 x Squat Cleans (82.5/60kg)
Finisher: 3 x 15 Good Mornings – 5kg heavier than last week
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