Saturday 18th October
A. ‘The Wobbles’
For time:
800m run, then,
3 rds of:
7 x C2B Pull-ups
14 x Push Ups
21 x Squats
Then, 800m run
Rest 5 Mins, then
B. ‘Frack’
15 – 10 – 5 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk (50/35)
A. ‘The Wobbles’
For time:
800m run, then,
3 rds of:
7 x C2B Pull-ups
14 x Push Ups
21 x Squats
Then, 800m run
Rest 5 Mins, then
B. ‘Frack’
15 – 10 – 5 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk (50/35)
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