Mon 19 Jan
CrossFit 3000 South Melbourne – CrossFit
A: Metcon (Weight)
E2MOM for 10 mins (6 sets) complete:
1 x Snatch Pull
2 x Snatch (Squat or Power)
B.: Metcon (Time)
2 RFT of:
20 x Cal Row
30 x DU (or 15 x Att)
25 x Wall Ball @ 9/7 kg to 10′
10 x Thruster @ 45/30
Advanced WOD
C: Metcon (Time)
AWOD – For Time
100 x DU
15 x Power Snatch (45/30kg)
50 x Wall Ball @ 9/7 kg to 10′
15 x Power Snatch (45/30kg)
100 x DU
No scaling weight or DU for this one.
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